Fantasy Role-Playing

by Brettwick Gordon & Jeffrey Rathman
Healing from the wounds of war and the blight of disease,

the lands of Athia finally enjoy a moment’s peace. Like the earliest moments of spring, winter’s silence gives way to new life. The gates of barren cities open, as roads and lands previously abandoned are rediscovered.

Those inhabitants that remain turn from the hardships of survival to the hopes of prosperity, but it is a constant battle. The undying Sick, the monstrous denizens of the wild and even fellow survivors are an ever-present threat.


The world awaits those bold enough to reclaim it.

The world awaits a hero.

“The war had killed countless, thinning our ranks and spreading us across the lands. And then, just when we thought we might have time to lick our wounds and return to our homes, the dead tore the few of us that remained apart. Perhaps it’s the will of the Gods, but those who’ve survived are the most resilient and tenacious of us. We have survived. We have survived, and yet I look past the walls of my city wanting more than this hardship. There are people out there still struggling, still fighting, still dying. Let us find them. Let us rush to their aid, bring them news, and assure them the worst is now over. Let us rekindle that most precious of ideals in a time when it is all but dead. Let us return hope to Athia.”

-King Valrik, House Thercer

In the Norths of Galven, Runa and her brother’s prayers are answered; something has slowed the Giant of the Frostwood who sacked their home and stole their reindeer.




What is Athia?

Athia is a fantasy roleplaying game set in a fantastic, post post-apocalyptic world. Athia is a world pulling itself together after having barely survived both a bloody, protracted war and a horrible curse that brought the dead back to life. It is filled with people trying to make lives for themselves, overseen by powerful political Houses. It is a world where magic is on the decline, and faith is on the rise. Athia is wrought with the bite of long, harsh winters and short seasons for growing sustenance. If those obstacles are not enough distraction, there are creatures lurking in the forgotten wilds and the Sick still remain in abandoned places where the living once dwelled.

How’s it work?

Players bring their character concepts to the table and flesh them out by choosing a race, class, and house. They will also choose from hundreds of abilities to customize their character’s capabilities, deciding their character’s worth in attributes, talents, and magic. The ten levels of advancement bring marked improvement, leading to meaningful decisions as to how their character grows and evolves. The system uses d20-based mechanics, working off a scaled difficulty system where players need to roll a 9+, 12+, 15+, or 18+ to succeed. The game also provides an easy means to add custom encounters to your stories. It offers heroic, cinematic combats and easily resolved conflicts, all within a rich and plausible environment.

Why choose Athia?

In Athia you’re not a hero, you’re THE hero. Athia allows you to get the concept of the character you have always wanted to play onto the page. It is filled with difficult and engaging decisions, offers opportunity for sizable character growth, and is fueled by player creativity. You don’t have to rely solely on the world we have written, but can use it as a backdrop for storytelling the game you want to play. Athia is a gritty, down-to-earth fantasy setting grounded in common sense. The rules don’t slow the game down, and players are never left feeling their characters are worthless or spent. Athia can be the framework to run the kind of game you want, or it can be the world you immerse yourself into.

Bad at business. Good at games.

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