Modulus is a modular role playing system. At its core, Modulus offers a very simple, easy to learn core mechanic that can then be expanded upon to create a richer gaming experience.

Need rules for guns and gear? Add them.

Magic and mental powers? Toss them in.

A more elaborate character attribute and skills mechanic? Grab that too.

Modulus empowers gamemasters to customize and personalize the mechanics of their game, playing up what is important for the theme and feel of their world, while playing down or outright ignoring everything else that would otherwise detract from it.

Why settle for good enough when you can get exactly what you want?


Axis of Evil

Hitler and Himmler weren’t simply fascinated with the occult, they were obsessed by it. Beyond this world was an endless supply of power, and regardless of cost it would afford Germany the ability to reshape the world. So country after country fell, surrendered, or chose allegiance over death. Now the world stands on the brink of subjugation, save for one lone country and the rebels throughout the world who fight to stop the Axis of Evil.


Need to write

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Bad at business. Good at games.

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